MATI (pronounced: muti)
A Sanskrit word which translates to: thought power, mind, intention, design
Intelligence and integrity of ideas
A Sanskrit word which translates to: having form, structure, beautiful
Beautiful form and structure
A Sanskrit word which translates to: skilled, clever, experienced, learned in, versed
Skillfully crafted and clever solutions
The Sanskrit language is an ancient Indo-Aryan language. It is a sophisticated, philosophical language that is being revived in some parts of India today. It comes from the word sáṃskṛta which can be translated to mean: put together, constructed, well or completely formed, refined and adorned. We are fascinated by the pride that many Indian and middle eastern cultures take in creating their physical worlds. We strive for the same levels of craftsmanship and integrity of design that we see in many of the things that come from this region.
These words: Mati, Sarupa, Kovida represent our commitment to this aim. We wish to create places that showcase the human element. We hope that this philosophy pervades all of our work.